Tuesday, December 24, 2019

At the Minds Limit by Jean Amery Book Report - 2302 Words

Joseph Chaput Book Report I At The Mind’s Limit: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and its Realities By Jean Amery â€Å"At The Mind’s Limit† is a series of essays written by Jean Amery, a German born Jew who survived the holocaust, who gives the reader a very interesting perspective into the mind of a persecuted Jew from 1935 forward. Amery does not consider himself a religious Jew or one who follows any Jewish traditions. In fact, he did not know that Yiddish was a language until he was 18. So Amery describes the events leading up to and following the holocaust through the eyes of an â€Å"intellectual† and tries to find out whether being an â€Å"intellectual† helped or hindered his mental and spiritual capacity as he experienced†¦show more content†¦It was challenging to try to find security in being a part of the Jewish community when there was not only the fear of persecution but also sometimes a lack of enthusiasm for other Jews to try and come together when they were faced with their own problems. These people who were not only cast o ut of their homeland, but also had to hide their cultural background in order to survive, truly know what it means to be homeless. They were not well received in the countries they immigrated to neither by native Jews nor non-Jews. They did not feel help from anyone in the world and therefore felt no sense of security. Amery says that â€Å"Genuine homesickness† was when he looked back at his life before any of this had happened and felt self-contempt and his hatred for his loss of self. These emotions are intensified when â€Å"Traditional homesickness† or nostalgia for the way things were kicks in, causing Amery to hate himself more for wanted to be back in the land that turned against him. He goes on to claim that people need a sense of home, and that without a sense of home people age very poorly. He says that young men are always seeing themselves as men of the future, while old men see themselves as what they were in the past. One grows with his â€Å"home † and needs that growth in order to look back on his life and be satisfied with being a man of the past. The fifth section, Resentment, discusses

Monday, December 16, 2019

Effect Of Forced Swim Stress Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

string(90) " the unfastened field trial is a square enclosure \( 1 m by 1 m \) made of black Perspex\." Introduction: Stress is an of import factor of depression that causes the alterations in assorted organic structure systems. The forced swim trial is a normally used stressor trial where rats are forced to swim in specially constructed armored combat vehicles for a peculiar period where there is behavioural activation characterized by vigorous swimming and diving to seek for alternate paths of flight. Animal wellness including homo has been shown to be affected by the nerve-racking events of life bring oning state of affairs which alters knowledge, larning memory and emotional responses, doing mental upsets like depression and anxiousness and emphasis in rats. We will write a custom essay sample on Effect Of Forced Swim Stress Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Methods: The experiment was carried out with 12 healthy albino Wistar female rats weighing about 150-180gms. The animate beings were indiscriminately divided into two groups of six animate beings each. Group – I ( control ) , Group – II ( Stressed Group ) . Group -II rats are placed in fictile armored combat vehicles for 45minutes ( between 9.00 AM – 11.00AM for15 yearss / L-100cm, W-40cm, D-60cm ) deepness of H2O in the armored combat vehicle is -30cm. Temperature of H2O was maintained at 20EsC. During stress stage, the animate beings will be trained for forced swim trial, behavioural alterations observed by unfastened field setup for emotions, and eight arm labyrinth for memory A ; propensity, elevated plus labyrinth for anxiousness. Consequences: Forced swim emphasis causes to a important alteration ( P lt ; 0.05 ) on cognitive maps: motive, larning and memory. Forced swim emphasis is the factor damaging the hippocampus causes repeated immobilisation and bring forth wasting of dendrites of pyramidic nerve cells and neuroendocrinological perturbations, controlled by the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis ( HPA ) . Repeated emphasis in the signifier of forced swimming activates the free extremist procedures taking to an addition in lipid peroxidation in many tissues. Decision: This survey reveals the consequence of repeated forced swim emphasis causes broad scope of adaptative alterations in the cardinal nervous system including the lift of 5-hydroxytryptamine ( 5-HT ) metamorphosis and an increased susceptibleness to affectional upsets. The earlier findings have reported that chronic and acute emphasis processs weaken working memory maps in rats. There are really few surveies on bomber ague forced swim emphasis on working memory position of the animate being. The survey was undertaken to measure the assorted behavioural alterations by using sub ague forced swim. Cardinal Wordss: Forced swim emphasis, knowledge, behavioural alterations and unfastened field setup. Introduction Nerve-racking state of affairss induce physiological and behavioural alterations in an being to keep the homeostasis. Exposure to nerve-racking state of affairss is among the most common human experiences. In response to stressors, a series of behavioural, neurochemical, and immunological alterations occur that ought to function in an adaptative capacity [ 1 ] . Swiming in little research lab animate beings has been widely used for analyzing the physiological alterations and the capacity of the being in response to emphasize [ 2 ] . Swimming is non ever a simple exercising emphasis, because emotional factors are hard to be eliminated [ 3 ] . The forced swimming emphasis developed by Porsolt et Al. ( 1977 ) has now become widely recognized theoretical account for analyzing physical emphasis in animate beings. Water temperature is another of import factor in forced swimming trial. By changing the H2O temperature, Richter ( 1957 ) found that rats could last every bit long as 80 hours in tepid H2O ( 36AÂ ° C ) . Increasing or diminishing the H2O temperature above or below this point influences the overall behaviour of the animate being and changes the engagement of glucocorticoids [ 4 ] . The transition of O during normal metamorphosis to the by-products, H peroxide, Super oxide and hydroxyl extremist occurs by consecutive negatron add-ons to oxygen [ 5 ] . Toxic free groups have been implicated as of import pathological factors in cardiovascular diseases, pneumonic upsets, autoimmune diseases, malignant neoplastic disease, metabolic upsets, and aging [ 6 ] . However, swimming has besides been used to arouse emphasis responses in rats [ 7 ] . This emphasis is normally elicited by an ague forced swim session of between a few proceedingss to half an hr [ 8 ] . Psychological emphasis ( e.g. pes daze, forced swim trial ) raises degrees of corticosterone in the rat [ 9 ] . Which in bend leads to physiological alterations that include increased myocardial infarct size [ 10 ] Increased memory loss and knowledge [ 11, 12 ] . Therefore we set out to find whether forced swim preparation had an consequence on corticosterone degrees or elicited a alteration in behaviour of rats in the unfastened field. Materials and Methods: Animal theoretical account: Adult female Wistar rats weighing between 150-250 g were divided into two groups as Control ( n =12 ) and Stress ( n =12 ) . All the rats were given standard rat Zhou and tap H2O adlibitum and were housed at 25 AÂ ± 2 o C on a 12-hour dark/light rhythm. All the experimental processs were approved by the IAEC ( Institutional Animal Ethics Committee ) adequate steps were taken to minimise hurting or uncomfortableness. Stress processs: Rats were exposed to forced swimming stress day-to-day for continuance of 45 proceedingss between 09.00AM to11.00AM until 21 yearss. They were forced to swim in fictile armored combat vehicles ( length 100cm, width 40 centimeter, depth 60 centimeter ) incorporating tap H2O maintained at a temperature of 20AÂ ° C. The deepness of H2O in the armored combat vehicle was 30 centimeter. A upper limit of two rats were allowed to swim together during emphasis session. The control rats were housed under the same conditions and they were handled every bit frequently the stressed group. Behavioral surveies: Open-field setup ( OFT ) The unfastened field trial is a common step of exploratory behaviour both qualitatively and quantitatively. Each rat was placed in the unfastened field for 5 proceedingss to prove for differences in anxious-like behavior and activity. This was done 24 hours after the last turn of swimming exercising. The unfastened field trial is designed to mensurate behavioral responses such as locomotor activity, hyperactivity, and explorative behavior. The unfastened field is besides used as a step of anxiousness. Rats tend to avoid brilliantly illuminated, fresh, unfastened infinites. The setup for the unfastened field trial is a square enclosure ( 1 m by 1 m ) made of black Perspex. You read "Effect Of Forced Swim Stress Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" To analyse exploratory and locomotor activities as an indicant of emphasis in the rat, animate beings were placed in the left rear quarter-circle of an unfastened field. The figure of line crossings and the entire dista nce covered by the rat were measured over 5 proceedingss. These are classical steps of locomotor and explorative activities. The more clip the rat spends in the interior zone of the unfastened field, and the more explorative the rat is, the less stressed it is perceived to be. Procedure: Each rat was placed separately in a corner of the field and its behavior recorded for 5 proceedingss. All activity was recorded utilizing a picture camera mounted above the unfastened field and scored subsequently by an advanced motion-recognition package bundle ( Noldus Ethovision version 3.1 package ) that detects and analyzes the motions of the rat. The video image of the unfastened field sphere was partitioned into 36 equal-size squares ; 24 boundary line squares and 12 Centre zone squares. Entire distance, mean velocity, and clip spent in assorted parts of the field ( e.g. the boundary line countries vs. the unfastened, in-between country ) were measured and analyzed. Testing was carried out in a temperature, noise and visible radiation controlled room. During the trial process silence was maintained in the trial room. The behavioral trials were performed from 1-1:30 pm day-to-day to guarantee that normal day-to-day fluctuations in corticosterone, circadian beat and activity did non impact the consequences. The rats were placed in a coop in the testing room an hr before the trial in order for them to acclimatise to the new environment. The unfastened field was cleaned with 70 % ethyl alcohol after each rat had been tested. Each rat was tested separately and in a separate trial room. Throughout the full testing-session, the sequence of events and processs was ever the same and the trial fortunes ( managing, room-features, equipment used ) were as standardised and controlled as possible. The full trial process lasted approx. 20 proceedingss per animate being, and was recorded on videotape to let analysis at a ulterior clip. Elevated plus-maze setup ( EPM ) : Elevated plus-maze is the simplest setup to analyze anxiolytic response of about all type of anti anxiousness agents. Exposure of the animate beings to novel maze back street evokes an attack turning away struggle which is stronger in unfastened arm as compared to enclosed arm. Rodents ( rats and mice ) have antipathy for high and unfastened infinite and prefer enclosed arm and, hence, spend greater sum of clip in enclosed arm. When animate beings enter unfastened arm, they freeze, become immobile, defecate and demo fear-like motions. The plasma hydrocortisone degree is besides reported to be increased, as a true contemplation of anxiousness ( Kulkarni et al. , 2009 ) . The elevated plus-maze was somewhat modified from that used by Lister ( Lister et al. , 1987 ) . Briefly, it consisted of two unfastened weaponries ( 30 cmA-5cmA-0.25 centimeter ) and two enclosed weaponries ( 30 cmA- 5cmA- 15 centimeter ) , widening from a cardinal platform ( 5 cmA- 5 centimeter ) and raised 50 centimeters above floor degree. The maze floor was constructed from black Plexiglas and the walls from clear Plexiglas. The conventional spatial-temporal steps recorded were the figure of entries ( all four paws on unfastened or enclosed weaponries and expressed as per centum of entire entries ) , the clip spent on unfastened weaponries ( expressed as per centum of clip spent on closed plus unfastened weaponries ) , figure of entries on enclosed weaponries and the clip on the cardinal platform. Ethologically derived steps were preparing, rise uping, as an emotionally related parametric quantity. A selective addition in the parametric quantities of geographic expedition of the unfastened weaponries of the labyrinth reveals an anxiolytic consequence ( Rodgers et al. , 1992 ; Pellow et al. , 1985 ) . Consequences: Table 1: Open field setup Parameters MEANAÂ ±SD P VALVUE Control Study Group Peripheral ambulation 74.5AÂ ±15.9 92AÂ ±117 lt ; 0.05* Cardinal ambulation 13.8AÂ ±3.6 4.33AÂ ±1.86 lt ; 0.001** Rearing 44.17AÂ ±10.5 24.5AÂ ±7.61 lt ; 0.005** Preparing 31.5AÂ ±5.58 40AÂ ±9.05 lt ; 0.005** Immobilization 28.6AÂ ±5.82 40.6AÂ ±5.2 lt ; 0.004** Defecation 0.83AÂ ±0.41 1.83AÂ ±0.98 lt ; 0.05* Micturition 0.50AÂ ±0.55 2.17AÂ ±1.47 lt ; 0.03** *significant ** extremely important Fig-1: Consequence of emphasis on assorted Behavioral Parameters in unfastened filed setup Table 2: Elevated plus maize Parameter MEANAÂ ±SD P value Control Study Group Time spent in unfastened arm 38.3AÂ ±5.72 31.5AÂ ±3.89 lt ; 0.03** Number of Open arm entries 1.67AÂ ±0.52 0.83AÂ ±0.75 lt ; 0.05* Number of Closed arm entries 2.67AÂ ±1.03 1.5AÂ ±0.84 lt ; 0.05* Fig 2: Consequence of emphasis on assorted Behavioral Parameters in Elevated plus maize Discussion: Forced swimming has been used to arouse stress response in rats [ 13 ] . Psychological emphasis like pes daze, forced swim trial raises degrees of corticosterone in the rats [ 14 ] . Corticosterone- let go ofing endocrine is normally released during emphasis and might be a factor that suppressed nutrient appetency in the forced swimming emphasis. The importance of our survey is apparent that the nerve cells in the encephalon are exposed to pulsatile form of free corticosterone [ 15 ] . The forced swim trial is used as a theoretical account of stress depression in neurological surveies [ 16 ] . In emphasis linked neuropsychiatric upsets like recurrent depressive unwellness, there is grounds of structural alterations in the hippocampus, a encephalon part extensively studied with respect to emphasize [ 17 ] . The present informations indicate that forced swimming emphasis a period of 21 yearss, 6 hr decreased the whole organic structure weight and nutrient consumption and increased weig hts of liver, kidney and adrenal secretory organs and explorative behavior. This experiment indicate that 21 yearss of day-to-day emphasis is associated with impaired acquisition and public presentation of a spacial memory undertaking, the behavioral theoretical accounts suggest that the hippocampal wasting nowadays after the emphasis [ 18 ] . The present findings suggest a possible function for endoge-nous opiates in behavioural rousing [ 19 ] . Immobility clip in the emphasis group was 6 hours/ twenty-four hours for 21 yearss significantly reduced the stationariness clip. These consequences indicate that the swimming emphasis caused a down province in the stressed group. Refering neurotransmitters in the hypothalamus part, 5- HIAA/5-HT ratio significantly decreased in the stressed group due to increased 5-HT degrees and decreased 5-HIAA degrees compared to the rats without FST, proposing that the lessening of the ratio perchance reflects the diminution of 5-HT metabolic activity d ue to swimming emphasis. These phenomena may be included in cardinal mechanisms of the development of depression. Forced swim emphasis causes to a important alteration ( P lt ; 0.05 ) on cognitive maps: Forced swim emphasis causes Peripheral Ambulation P lt ; 0.05, Central Ambulation P lt ; 0.001, Rearing P lt ; 0.005, Grooming P lt ; 0.005, repeated Immobilization P lt ; 0.004, Defecation P lt ; 0.05, Urination P lt ; 0.03, Time spent in unfastened arm P lt ; 0.03, No. of unfastened arm entries P lt ; 0.05 and No. of closed arm entries P lt ; 0.05 and factor damaging the hippocampus causes produce wasting of dendrites of pyramidic nerve cells and neuro endocrinological perturbations, controlled by the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis ( HPA ) . Repeated emphasis in the signifier of forced swimming activates the free extremist procedures taking to an addition in lipid peroxidation in many tissues [ 20 ] . Decision: This survey reveals the consequence of repeated forced swim emphasis causes broad scope of adaptative alterations in the cardinal nervous system including the lift of 5-hydroxytryptamine ( 5-HT ) metamorphosis and an increased susceptibleness to affectional upsets. The earlier findings have reported that chronic and acute emphasis processs weaken working memory maps in rats. There are really few surveies on bomber ague forced swim emphasis on working memory position of the animate being. The survey was undertaken to measure the assorted behavioural alterations by using sub ague forced swim. How to cite Effect Of Forced Swim Stress Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

International Human Resource Management Study of Toyota Australia

Question: Discuss about the International Human Resource Management of Toyota Australia. Answer: Introduction Human resource management is an extremely important part of an organisation. The human resource management is the basic mainstay of an organisation which helps the organisation to lay the foundation by providing the basic support of managing labor force and effective allocation of them effectively in the business. It is important for an organisation to have a strong human resource management as it develops the commitment of the employees and constantly contributes to the improved motivation of employees. Especially in the international business environment HR plays a crucial role in developing a strong relationship between the employees and the organisation. This clearly gives rise to two different aspects employment relations and human resource management. In the international business setting it is extremely important to understand the key HR issues and employment relations which would help an organisation to make sure overseas operations is not hindered. It often becomes tough to for HR managers to do their work when they are relocated from one place to the other especially when he or she is moved from the domestic market to the overseas market (Klarsfeld et al., 2014). In the present study the key aspects of employment relations and HRM issues will be discussed with reference to Toyotas expansion in USA. With the recent change in the Presidency in USA there have been significant changes in the operation of the Auto industry and the present study will discuss the practice of employment relations and HRM under such circumstances that to achieve the objectives of the study HRM and Employment Relations In the wake of globalisation there has been significant increase in the international expansion of businesses. It could be said that globalisation has reduced barriers and increased competition in the business market which has impelled many companies to change their international strategy for effective business expansion. The employment relations is a part of the industrial relations which is considered as an extremely important aspect by the manager as it helps them to have an effective relationship between the employees of the organisation. On the other hand Human resource management focuses on the overall management of the workforce as well as the key aspects of managing that workforce to a good effect for the overall management of the labor force. The aspect of globalisation and international trade has put huge stress on the organisational policies and regulations of a company and due to the increased competition in the market (Godard, 2014). It becomes extremely important for the organisations to make sure that they have standardised organisational policies which would be effective in managing the overseas business effectively. Toyotas Altona Manufacturing plant is being moved from Australia to the US as the US market is much more open to car manufacturing and automobile and this is likely to help the organisation to improve its business in USA. In order to operate effectively in the market it becomes extremely important for Toyota Australia to send HR Manager to the US operations which would help the organisation to make sure that the operations is understood properly and there is a strong connection between Australia and US operations (Van De Voorde, Paauwe Van Veldhoven, 2012). To be able to operate effectively in the US operations this expatriate Australian HR manager put into operations in the United States will have to understand how employment relations is managed in the country and the different key HR issues wh ich could affect the business operations in US Car manufacturing plant. In order to get a fair bit of idea it is also important for the HR manager to understand the basic difference between the Australian car manufacturing Industry and US car manufacturing industry and this will largely help to improve the HR practice and employment relations for the HR (Stahl, Bjrkman Morris, 2012). Australian and USA Car Industry: A Comparison The Australian car industry has had to suffer significant jolt as most of the car manufacturing organisations have closed down their operations in the market. Ford, Holden, Mitsubishi all have closed down their operations which is definitely taking Australian car manufacturing industry to the point of extinction. It could be said that most of these organisations have chosen to leave Australia which has made the car industry of Australia to lose significant market share. The Australian market is likely to go shed number of job cuts which is going to affect the economy more than ever. With Holden, Ford, Toyota, Mitsubishi leaving the Australian market the local made cars are likely to end and it will only be imported cars in the Australian market. This was not something surprising which is happening in Australia as it was something imminent with the kind of trade barriers, increased tariffs, impact of the high rate of the Australian dollars, free trade agreements all have contributed to this huge problem in the country (Storey, 2014). The car manufacturing industry in Australia is waiting to wrap up after Holden and Toyota complete their manufacturing targets which will call it a day for the Australian car industry. It was clearly a political turmoil that led to the exit of companies like Ford and Holden from then Australian market. Even though Toyota wanted to stay its fate was looming since no other organisation was willing to operate in the market due to the huge financial loss that they were going to suffer. In this scenario it becomes extremely tough for the HR manager to operate smoothly and keep proper employee relations as the future of the car manufacturing industry was almost dead in the country. Hence it could be said that the literal jeopardy of the Australian car industry has happened due to the political and economic changes in the country that these companies werent able to handle (OSullivan Turner, 2013). The US market has always been effective for the car manufacturing industry as most of the organisations have found strong points to operate in the country. Effective labor force, viable supply chain and easy accessibility to the market has always been key factors which has encouraged companies to operate in the United States, but it is important to mention that the recent political changes happening in the country is definitely going to affect the business of these organisations and is also likely to affect the employment relations of the organisations like if not foreseen or assessed effectively. The new president of the US Donald Trump threatened Toyota to focus on building plants in US to sale cars in US or else the company is likely to be thrashed with big border tax and this clearly started the action where the company stated that it will not harm the employment of US and the incident was before the American election took place (Marler, 2012). Hence it could be understood that after the political changes in the country companies like Toyota will have significant issues to operate by themselves without the intervention of the government which likely to seems to be tough. The small car manufacturing plants are likely to be developed by the organisations but are going to be tough to fetch profits. This clearly indicates that Auto Worker Unions will gain publicity and this will create importance for the HR manager. With President Trump coming at the helm of affairs employments relations becomes extremely tough as a strict nationalist the president focuses on overall welfare of the country rather than economic welfare. Companies like Ford and General Motors and even Toyota have been thrashed for their foreign business policies in the country. Trump emphasises more on more local job creations and employee welfare which could be a problem for Toyota to operate in the country. Ford was recently barred by Trump to open a new plant in Mexico and was rather advised to stay in the country and create 700 local jobs and this clearly shows the intention of Trump as the president of the States. It could be said Trumps strict decisions on Employment relations like basic wage rate and creating new jobs in US have affected the long term planning of the car makers and Toyota will definitely be affected with an expatriate Manager in the plant. Presidents decisions to tax foreign businesses of the car makers will take huge toll on the business of Toyota as it will have to focus more on the local market especially in terms of labor force hiring and this might hinder the productivity of the organisation (Pethokoukis, 2016). It is important to say that with the change in ministry in USA the HR becomes extremely important. There would be significant impact on the HR of the different organisations especially on the car manufacturing companies that work with expatriates like Toyota, Holden, Tata et cetera (Thite, Wilkinson Shah 2012). It could be said that since Toyota is a Japanese firm it will tend to get the Japanese people to handle the operations. In this case since Toyota Australia is setting up the plant in US the expatriate from Australia will have to be focused on having the right HR strategy working for the country or else the strict conditions in the US will definitely affect the overall operations of the company. Achieving organisational excellence has become extremely tough for Toyota in case the HR of the US plant is not able to handle the workforce effectively. HR in the new business environment of United States should not only focus on staffing, compensation or grievance management but HR should focus on analysing and monitoring the overall labor market of the country and keep the staffing effective to the requirement of the organisation. The present political condition under Trump might apparently seem to be stable but it is not and Trump is excessively USA minded where the president has emphasised on providing jobs to the nationals and reduce the employment opportunities for the foreign people residing in USA (Pethokoukis, 2016). It could be said that the excessive nationalist pressure could tamper the way HR is practiced and hence it is important for the HR operating in Toyota US plant to understand the requirement of the organisation and accordingly doing the staffing for the organisation (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). Employment relations and HR Issues The US car Market is more competitive than ever. With the political intervention it has become highly focused on better and improved rules and regulations for the employees which affect the employers to a large extent. It could be said that the US car industry has number of key players in the market which makes the competition very strong in the market and hence it becomes extremely important for the HR of Toyota to focus on the best possible HR strategy which not only involves effective staffing and compensation but it should focus on employment relations and mitigating the common HR issues facing the car industry in USA (ALDamoe, Yazam Ahmid, 2012). The expatriate HR manager from Australia will have to learn the employment relations effectively which would help to make sure that the employees are content and willing to work for the organisation Toyota. There are number of key laws and regulations which govern the employment relationship in USA. The National Labor Relations Act 1935 which focuses on protecting the rights of the employees and employers as well and moreover improves the relationship between them. In this case the HR should focus on improving the communication effectively (Wilkinson et al., 2014). The communication with the employees will help the HR to make sure all the employee issues are understood and accordingly he or she could improve the working conditions for the employees. The Age discrimination Act and Equal Pay Act helps the HR to offer and recruit effectively which improves the overall employees relations. It could be said that for the Australian HR it is important to understand the work environment of the country which would largely help to strategise the HR movement (Bacon et. al., 2013). One of the crucial aspects that the HR has to understand to keep the employee relations intact is immigration control. With Trump coming in USA the immigration laws have strengthened and hence it is important for the HR to make sure he or she doesnt recruit people who are not legally authorised to work in USA (Croucher et al., 2012). The conflict management is another key aspect that needs to be worked upon as an expatriate HR in Toyotas new plant in USA. Conflict could arise in business operations and hence as an HR it is important for the person to understand the employees and accordingly communicating with them to reduce conflict (Bennett Klug, 2012). One of the important aspects for the HR is to manage cross cultural employees at work and this is one of the key aspects in the HR management department which has to be handled effectively. USA is renowned for its mixed diversity and hence cross cultural management is one of the key HR issues that have to be managed with effective strategies (Vaiman Brewster, 2015). This could naturally involve communication and interaction sessions with professionals; professional vacations definitely improve cross cultural relations and hence help to improve the relationship between the workforce and the management. In international industrial relations it becomes extremely important to manage trade union tactics and for that the HR manager will have to be highly confident and knowledgeable about the global trade tactics which would allow the HR to make effective decisions for the organisation (Bann Sgobbi, 2016). In this case the Expatriate HR manager from the Australia will have to understand the different rules and policies which are important to manage business in the overseas market. As an expatriate HR manager it is important to make sure all the key aspects of business especially the political and social aspects are understood effectively. In US the conventional IR models are not practiced and hence the HRM issues of employee management needs to be ado pted (Bacon et al. 2013). Discrimination and Diversity has to be handled effectively which would help to make sure the productivity of the plant is effective. Another important aspect that needs to be supervised by the HR manager is to improve the retention process of the organisation. Retention is important for the organisation Toyota as it will help to improve the productivity of the organisation (Brewster Mayrhofer, 2012). Since the competition is extremely high in the car market of USA it is important for the organisation and the expatriate HR from Australia to have better communication and to implement suitable motivational models to improve the retention of the employees in the organisation. Another key HR issue which has to be kept in mind by the manager is to control health and safety of the employees and their training and development which would help to eliminate any kind of health issues of the employees as well as train the employees effectively to make sure they are able to give their best effort for the organisation and improve the overall productivity of the organisation (Janssens Steyart, 2012). In a highly competitive US market managing employees is important to sustain in the car manufacturing industry and hence for this the HR has to understand the market and the mindset of the local employees to implement the best possible strategy for the company. Conclusion The present study highlights number of key employment relations and HR issues which are extremely important for the expatriate manager of Toyota Melbourne in USA to understand. It is essential for the manager to understand the importance of cross cultural management, retention and productivity, discrimination and diversity that play a key role in the improvement of performance of the organisation Toyota (Productivity Commission, 2014). The Australian car manufacturing market is operating in its worst phase whereas the US market is very competitive in nature which makes it important for the HR to understand the US market and its political views against the car market which would help to practice HR management effectively for Toyotas new plant in US by the expatriate Australian HR Manager (Vlasic Boudette, 2017). Overall it could be said that the present study has been able to discuss the key aspects of employment relations and HR which has helped to cover up the objectives of the stu dy. References ALDamoe, F. M. A., Yazam, M., Ahmid, K. B. (2012). 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